Peak Performance

Infra-Low Frequency Neurofeedback for Optimum Performance
By Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D. and Sue Othmer,
The EEG Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA
February 10, 2016

A method of non-prescriptive neurofeedback is described that is based on the brain interacting with its own tonic slow cortical potential. In the absence of any explicit guidance by the clinician, the training depends entirely on the brain’s response to the unfolding signal. When this training is performed under optimal conditions in terms of placement and target frequency, there is a bias toward optimal functioning. The brain utilizes the information for its own benefit. The outcomes of the training are either comparable to or exceed expectations based on conventional EEG band-based neurofeedback. Results are shown for a cognitive skills test for an unselected clinical population.

Key words: neurofeedback, slow cortical potential, infra-low frequency training, optimum performance

The common objective of neurofeedback is the enhancement of cerebral function and thus of organismic functional competence. This objective is not inherently deficit-focused. On the contrary, the method depends entirely on the enhancement of function that already exists. It is therefore a more organic perspective to regard neurofeedback generally as a method of achieving optimal functioning. One may even take that view if the starting point is a state of substantial dysfunction. Such dysfunctions may introduce some constraints, but the objective remains the same. Dysfunction subsides by virtue of improved function. What makes this view most appealing is that in the case of brain training with neurofeedback one is not confronted with a headroom limit. One can always do better in some respect or other. This is in contrast to much of traditional biofeedback, where the objective is to maintain good regulation of certain physiological variables, and once those objectives are achieved there is nothing more to aspire to.

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